Results 61 - 72 of at least 72
Streamwatch Macroinvertebrate Database
This database has been designed for use of people who are interested in learning more about bugs which live in the water. The database is a tool which can be used by anyone who has a creek, a dam, pond stream or river (as long as it’s freshwater) near their house. All you need is a net like a pool net or a fish tank net, a spoon and an ice-cream container so you can catch and sort the bugs. Schools or interested groups who are involved in the Autumn and Spring Bug Survey could find this database very interesting.
Stroud Water Research Center Leaf Pack Network: Macroinvertebrates
Information about common stream macroinvertebrates with definitions.
USGS - Water Resources Publications and Products
Index of publications and web sites related to water resources from the U.S. Geological Survey
USGS -- Water Resources Programs
Home page for water resources information from the U.S. Geological Survey
USGS Selected Water Resources Abstracts
This site offers a searchable database of selected USGS water resources abstracts.
WDNR - Relative Abundance of Fish in Wisconsin Lakes
How to use PDF version of Wisconsin Lakes to find relative abundance of fish in Wisconsin lakes
WDNR - Rivers Management Program
Home Page of Wisconsin DNR River Management Program
Washington Virtual Classroom: Macroinvertebrates
The study of macroinvertebrates logically should take place out in the field, and the activities listed here will help you get ready for that. When you are ready to take a field trip, use this site to discover in-the-field resources.
Water Actin Volunteers: Biotic Index
The Department of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin developed the Water Actin Volunteers (WAV), a citizen monitor program that uses a biotic index to help assess water quality based on the macroinvertebrates present in their local streams. Streams are rated as having poor, fair, good or excellent water quality with the biotic index.
Water Quality/Macroinvertebrates/Stormwater/Urban
Learn about the environmental education opportunities offered by Lane Environmental Education Providers (LEEP), a group of agencies, businesses and organizations that seeks to facilitate education opportunities for K-12 students in Lane County, Oregon.
Water Resources Google Web Directory
A water resources website directory hosted by
Water and Rivers Commission: Macroinvertebrates and Water Quality
Macroinvertebrates and water quality information from the government of Western Australia.