Results 16 - 30 of at least 42
WDFW -- Species Habitat Project
Work under this project further developed wildlife-habitat relationship information for the 605 common species of terrestrial and marine bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian species found in Oregon and Washington. The project also characterized the relationships between these species and the 7 native species of Pacific Salmon.
WDFW -- The Weekender Report: Razor clams, blackmouth salmon offer fresh additio
The latest fish and wildlife news around Washington State
WDFW -- The Zebra Mussel and European Green Crab Task Force Report
This report was created by the Zebra Mussel and European Green Crab Task Force and only exists due to the dedication of many individuals who were willing to assist in its development while attending to their regular workload. Tribal, state, federal and private organizations came together in the spirit of a true partnership to create this report. We thank all of the members of this task force for their contributions.
WDFW -- Warmwater Fish of Washington
An overview of warmwater fish in Washington State.
WDFW -- Washington's Native Chars
In the cold, clear waters of the Pacific Northwest, some of the world's most important and beautiful fish--the trout, salmon and char--have evolved. But none of these native salmonids (the name used for members of the Salmonidae family) are as pretty or as mysterious as our native char, the Dolly Varden and bull trout.
WDFW Fact Sheet: How salmon fishing seasons are set
Harvest rules are built on foundation of scientific surveys, computer models and joint deliberations involving representatives of treaty tribes, several states, the federal government and the public.
WDFW Fact Sheet: Washington bull trout and Dolly Varden
Bull trout are native chars and part of the salmonid family. Dolly Varden, also found in Washington, are similar in appearance to bull trout. Native char are found in fresh water streams, lakes and some migrate to salt water for a portion of their lives. -- Find out more about bull trout.
WDFW Fact Sheet: Why Puget Sound chinook may become threatened
Information on Puget Sound chinook and why they may face listing as a threatened species.
Walleyes in Washington
One of the most popular sport fish in the northern and central United states has developed a similar reputation in Washington in the last couple of decades. Known for its exquisite flavor and large size, this newcomer called ?walleye? is providing additional excitement and opportunity in a state already rich with fishing resources.
Washington - Requesting Maps And Digital Information
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) maintains a number of GIS databases that contain information on important fish and wildlife species that should be considered in land use decisions and activities. Use of this information in the earliest planning stages can help minimize project conflicts and delays due to fish and wildlife issues. Informed land use activities can assist in preventing fish and wildlife species from becoming listed as endangered and threatened or can help recover those that are already listed.
Washington Catalog of Selected Educational Materials 
This comprehensive list of informational and educational materials is available to both agency personnel and to the general public from the department's Ecosystems Education Program, other programs within the department, and from other agencies.
Washington Coastal Creel Reports
Weekly coastal Washington sport fishing results - so you know where to find the fish this week.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: Providing information resources to protect, restore, and enhance Washington's fish and wildlife.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Education 
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Education, with educational resources, curriculum, teacher trunks and more.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Education Plan 
Education, as embodied in this plan, is a three-step process. Education begins with an understanding of the parts of the system under study, obtaining basic information and awareness of an issue. This understanding is further refined through environmental inquiry, choosing an aspect to investigate, defining a problem and gathering information.
Download PDF File: Washington Fish and Wildlife Education Plan