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North Carolina Fisheries News Beat
Welcome to News Beat, your one-stop shop for Fisheries News and Information. You can find the latest News Releases, Public Meeting Notices, Proclamations and more right here. All old news releases can be found in our archives.
North Carolina Fishing Maps/Locations
A map of all of North Carolina's public and community fishing areas are shown along with links and directions.
North Carolina Fishing Programs 
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission offers a variety of fishing programs.
North Carolina Fishing Seasons and Stocking Schedules
This site contains information about a variety of freshwater fish stocking schedules and fishing seasons in North Carolina.
North Carolina GIS Environmental Education Consortium
The consortium aims to enhance environmental education by enabling teachers and students as well as the general public to access North Carolina environmental data using geographic information systems (GIS).
North Carolina Hatcheries
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission operates six fish hatcheries that raise a variety of fish for stocking into North Carolina's public waters.
North Carolina Kid's Fish Parts Page 
The fish that swim in North Carolina’s coastal waters out to three miles offshore belong to you, along with all the other citizens of this state - coastal fisheries are a public trust resource. Learn this and more here.
North Carolina Kid's Pages Food Chain 
Fish are important to us. They provide food for millions of people and fishermen enjoy catching them for sport.
North Carolina Mussel Atlas
Learn about North Carolina's freshwater mussels and endangered fish.
North Carolina Vessels:Registration & Titling Information
Find out about everything you need to do to buy, sell, or title your boat in North Carolina.
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
The best resource for hunting, fishing, and boating information, educational programs, WILD Products, and other wildlife services for the citizens and visitors of North Carolina.
North Carolina widlife and fisheries publications
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission offers a variety of fishing publications.