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Taras Oceanographic Foundation
The Taras Oceanographic Foundation designs and executes multidisciplinary studies of whales and dolphins in the Caribbean and Central America, outdoor environmental business seminars and a unique K-12 program. Research and seminar programs provide opportunities for volunteers and participants to swim with whales or dolphins; the K-12 program let the youngsters learn more about the wonders of our oceans and about those who study them.

Teacher Resources About Endangered and Threatened Species from the USFWS
We hope that the materials in this home page will help you and your students to learn more about endangered and threatened species. There are links to informative resources, curriculum, activities and more.

Teacher Training Opportunities: EPA
What's happening in the field of environmental education? Is there training you can attend to enhance your teaching skills? Explore this page to find out about opportunities in your area. You'll also discover unique programs designed to connect students and teachers across the country.

Teaching WILD - Texas Parks & Wildlife
Teaching WILD Main Page - with Project WILD program information and various Texas adaptations

Texas Online Resources for Teaching About Nature & Having Fun
Teacher Tool Kit Links to Lesson Plans, Resources, Workshops and Materials

Texas Outdoor Educational Programs
Among other programs . . . Texas Buffalo Soldiers, a group formed to bring the largely untold story of African-American frontier soldiers to urban youth, will deliver their message of minority achievement and pride throughout the state of Texas this summer.

Texas Outdoors-Woman
Texas Outdoors-Woman - Become an outdoors woman with this class that teaches you the skills you need

Texas Project WILD
Texas Project WILD - wildlife and conservation education program materials, information, calendar and schedule

The Learning Web at the U.S. Geological Survey
Welcome to the Learning Web, a portion of the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) web dedicated to K-12 education, exploration, and life-long learning. Visit often and explore things on, in, around, and about the Earth such as plants and animals, land, water, and maps. Learn how Biology, Geology, Hydrology, and Geography can help us understand our changing world. The site includes: A list of USGS educational materials; Activities and lessons for the classroom; Living in The Learning Web (topics that affect people every day, everywhere).

The Maryland Envirothon Resource Site
The Maryland Envirothon Resource Site provides participants with the information resources they will need to know for the state-wide Maryland Envirothon competition. In Maryland there are five learning components: soils, forestry, wildlife, aquatics and a "current issue." Below we provide links to online training packets for each of the components:

Trout In The Classroom - Teacher's Desk
Trout in the Classroom curriculum outline for upper grades.

Trout In The Classroom - Teacher's Desk
Trout in the Classroom - Teacher's Desk provide teachers with materials you will find useful, based on your own requests and contributions. Initially, we've included some curriculum outlines to compare with your own, a work schedule for students in preparation for communicating with other classes, and an equipment check list to which even repeating trout raisers may want to refer.

Trout In The Classroom - Teacher's Desk
Trout in the Classroom curriculum outline for teachers.

Trout In The Classroom - Teacher's Desk - Egg Hatching Information
Trout in the Classroom Teacher's Desk offers egg hatching information for trout curriculum program.

Trout In The Classroom - Teacher's Desk - Fish Feeding Guidelines
Trout in the Classroom - Fish Feeding Guidelines is for teachers instructing students in the methods of raising trout and learning about lifecycles.

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