Results 16 - 28 of at least 28
Oregon's Wild Fish Management Policy
The context for fish management changed dramatically in the last two decades with Endangered Species Act listings, new scientific information, varied climatic and ocean conditions and changing public expectations. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) welcomes public comment on two draft policies that reflect these changes. When adopted, they will govern native fish conservation and hatchery management to provide ecological, cultural, and economic benefits. - This page provides links to several PDF files on widlife fish management.
Texas Red Tide FAQ - Texas Parks and Wildlife
Texas Red Tide Information Texas Parks and Wildlife
Texas Water Information:Index Page
Relevant links to Water issues and natural resources
The Collection of Aquatic Organisms in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is charged under Commonwealth law with the protection and management of aquatic organisms and the places they live. A large part of this protection role is developing and enforcing laws and regulations. These regulations vary, but they include setting seasons, establishing minimum sizes and limits, regulating equipment use, and establishing licenses and permits.
Water FAQ overview
Overview water FAQS - frequently asked questions and answers on water quality and water treatment.
Water Science for Schools: Earth's water
Earth's water: How much water is there? Where is it located? And lots more. USGS's Water Science for Schools site.
Water Science for Schools: USGS water information
Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Water Science for Schools web site! We offer information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge. You can choose a topic from the menu below, get a description of our main water topics, or view our site map.
Water Science for Schools: USGS water information 
All about water - the U.S. Geolgical Survey's Water Science for Schools information site.
Water Theme Unit: Reading Comprehensions, Quizzes, Lessons, and Puzzles
Water theme unit from -- lessons for grades 3-4
Water glossary
Water glossary; the water terminology dictionary.
Water treatment decision path
Water treatment decision path - a help guide to water purification using a decision tree
Water-Science Glossary of Terms
Glossary of water terms from the U.S. Geological Survey's Water Science for Schools site.
Welcome to StreamNet On-Line
StreamNet is a cooperative venture of the Pacific Northwest's fish and wildlife agencies and tribes. We provide data and data services in support of the region's Fish and Wildlife Program and other efforts to preserve and restore the region's aquatic resources.