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Results 46 - 60 of at least 83
PLAY - types of fish in Pennsylvania 
This PDF file contains detailed information on the different types, "classes," of fish that live in PA. Inlcdes pictures of representative fish from the diferent classes.
Pennsylvania - Management of Trout Fisheries in Pennsylvania
Division of Fisheries Management - Bureau of Fisheries, Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission 1997 Report on the Management of Trout Fisheries in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Class A Wild Trout Waters
This 1998 Report Defines and Identifies Pennsylvania Class A Wild Trout Waters
Pennsylvania Wilderness Trout Streams
This report identifies and lists Pennsylvania Wilderness Trout Streams
Puget Sound Chinook: A New Era in Fisheries Management
Information on Puget Sound chinook salmon recovery efforts.
RI Department of Environmental Management - Office of Water Resources
Mission: Rivers, lakes, and coastal waters will support healthy communities of fish, plants, and other aquatic life, and will support uses such as fishing, swimming, and drinking water quality. Groundwater will be uncontaminated. Wetlands will be protected and rehabilitated to provide wildlife habitat, reduce floods, and to improve water quality. Public health will be protected from the adverse impacts of water pollution.
Report on Reopening a Hudson River Striped Bass Commercial Fishery
In May 1999 Governor George Pataki charged the Hudson River Estuary Management Advisory Committee to recommend whether the Hudson River striped bass commercial fishery should be reopened and under what conditions.
Download PDF File: Recommendations Regarding Reopening a
The South Carolina Marine Game Fish Tagging Program is a program that not only benefits anglers but is conducted by anglers...
Salmon Smart: A Guide to Help People Help Salmon
Thank you for your interest in salmon recovery. We have met the enemy, and, in most cases, he is us. While there certainly are contributing natural causes, as consumers, business people, and communities, human pressures have unquestionably degraded water quality and aquatic habitat.
Saskatchewan Aquatic Insect Page
The primary goal of this page is to provide a source of basic information about the aquatic insect fauna of Saskatchewan for the general public, students and entomologists.
Science-based Mangement of Hatcheries and Harvest
Wild salmon recovery information from the WDFW, Stillaguamish Tribe, and Tulalip Tribes.
Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site 
The Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS) is a national information center that contains a comprehensive collection of research publications and education materials produced by Sea Grant programs and other research institutions across the country on zebra mussels and other aquatic nuisance species.
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Division of Fishes - Ichthyology
Information on fish and icthyology from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Division of Fishes - Ichthyology homepage
Southeastern Fishes Council Hompage
The Southeastern Fishes Council (SFC) is a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the southeastern United States
Spills & Kills (2000)
This report documents manure spills, fish kills, and other pollution problems at factory farms over a 4 year period. Includes policy recommendations and information on alternatives to factory farms. This was a joint report by the Izaak Walton League, the Clean Water Network, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
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