Results 31 - 45 of at least 83
Minnesota DNR - Fish Consumption Advisory
Minnesota DNR - Fish Consumption Advisory Source - Use this page to learn what you need to know about fish health and risks to human health from fish consumption.
Minnesota DNR - Fisheries Section
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Section manages the state's 3.8 million acres of fishing waters used by 2.3 million anglers. Its field force operates from six regional and 28 area offices. Links to programs and other information are provided.
Mississippi Fishing: Largemouth Bass Virus Found
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. --- (February 22, 2001) While many questions remain unanswered regarding the Largemouth Bass Virus (LMBV), researchers are more confident than ever that the illness will not destroy America's bass fisheries.
NBII - Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Node
The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (FAR) node of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) was developed to provide access to fisheries and aquatic resources information via the Internet. - This area of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) conceptualizes, organizes, and displays a wide range of biological information from geographical and geospatial perspectives.
NMFS Fisheries Statistics and Economics
Collecting, integrating, and disseminating statistics concerning fisheries resources and advancing fisheries prediction capabilities.
Nevada Fisheries Bureau
The Fisheries Bureau works to ensure the health and vitality of Nevada's fish in its network of streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Hatcheries produce and stock fish, and biologists manage fish and amphibian populations, water quality and aquatic habitat.
Nevada Trout in the Classroom 
A site with curriculum links and information about keeping trout in your classroom - Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an educational program tied to the curricula for 4th and 5th grades, to teach students about the science, art, recreation and other values of fish and aquatic life.
New Mexico Whirling Disease
New Mexico's Whirling Disease Information Central. Information on this trout disease and where it is found in New mexico.
Oklahoma Fish Management
Managing Oklahoma Fisheries
Oklahoma waters have Largemouth Bass Virus
Laboratory analysis of dying largemouth bass collected by biologists from Lake Tenkiller has confirmed the presence of Largemouth Bass Virus (LMBV), a virus implicated in bass die-offs in six southeastern states since 1995.
Oregon's Coastal Trout
This PDF file is loaded with information about Oregon's coastal trout.
Oregons Threatened and Endangered Fish
This PDF file lists Oregon's threatened and endangered species of fish
PLAY - How fish Swim 
This PDF file details the way that fish propel themselves through the water. Using words and pictures, the readers learn the mechanisms that move fish.
PLAY - Internal anatomy of fish 
This PDF file contains detailed information on the internal anatomy of fish at a middle school age level.
PLAY - Living in warn water: fish anatomy 
Details on the anatamomy of warm water fish. This PDF file discusses many of the adaptations fish have in warm water environments.