Results 31 - 41 of at least 41
New Jersey Harbor Watershed and Urban Fishing Education Project
New Jersey Harbor Watershed and Urban Fishing Education Project is a collaborative effort to bring watershed education to classrooms in and around Newark, New Jersey
New Jersey Marine Education Resource Guide 
This guide includes a list of more than 350 education-related resources for teachers wishing to integrate topics related to marine, coastal and wetlands environments into their curriculum activities. There is no charge for this guide.
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Services, boats, NJDMV
Boating facts from New Jersey's Department of Motor Vehicles
New Jersey Project WILD Workshop Schedule 
Workshop schedule for Project WILD in New Jersey.
New Jersey Project WILD, Aquatic WILD and WILD School Sites 
The goal of of New Jersey's Project WILD/Aquatic WILD/WILD School Sites is to assist learners of any age in developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment to result in informed decisions, responsible behavior and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment upon which life depends.
New Jersey Record Fish
Fish record information for New Jersey
New Jersey Warm and Coolwater Fish Stocked 1994-2000
This list shows those stockings that are ready for angling. The list does not include forage species, panfish or mosquitofish (raised for county Mosquito Control Commissions). The Division raises bluegill sunfish which are stocked primarily for children's fishing derbies.
New Jersey Wildlife Conservation Corps
New Jersey's Wildlife Conservation Corps (WCC), with more than 1600 members, is the largest natural resource management volunteer group in the state. WCC members are involved in all phases of Division activities from wildlife research to newsletter production. Every year volunteers contribute services valued at more than $1,000,000.
New Jersey Wildlife Viewing Guide
The NJ Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife is proud to announce the publication of the New Jersey Wildlife Viewing Guide. The publication of the Guide is the culmination of a two year project coordinated by the Division's Endangered and Nongame Species Program to establish a network of viewing sites through the state.
New Jersey-SEEDS-The Clean Water Book: Choices for Water Resource Protection 
Everyday New Jersey's eight million residents tap a finite resource-water. The Clean Water Book helps citizens and students of all ages to determine how to reduce water pollution and water usage.
Places to Fish in NJ
At last count there were more than 4,100 freshwater lakes, ponds, impoundments and reservoirs, one acre or greater, in New Jersey. These amount to more than 61,000 acres. This sounds like an awful lot of fishing water, however, because most of them are privately controlled the great majority of these waters are closed to the general angler. The following list of waters is designed to assist anglers in finding a place to fish. Included here are only those waters where a good population of desirable species of worthwhile sizes exists and where public access is assured.