Results 16 - 28 of at least 28
Missouri Project W.I.L.D.
Missouri Project W.I.L.D. - calendar, benefits, and other opportunities in conservation education.
Missouri Project Learning Tree
Missouri Project Learning Tree, Curriculum and Workshops - BY ATTENDING ONE SIX-HOUR PLT PRE K THRU 8 WORKSHOP YOU WILL GET: curriculum guide containing nearly 100 activities; Correlations to the Show-Me Standards; A new curriculum, revised to add what educators were requesting; Access to a network of educators linked by a common interest; A curriculum easily adaptable to many settings, with appeal to children of all ages, back-grounds and learning styles; The national PLT newsletter, The Branch; Hands-on, fun and interdisciplinary activities.
Missouri Resources Magazine
Missouri Resources Magazine, wildlife resources publication. This page makes past issues of "Missouri Resources" available to the public, online.
Missouri River Issues Main Page
The Missouri and Mississippi rivers have a profound effect on the lives of Missouri citizens. Depending on the way they are managed, they can affect our economy, our tourism industry, and our livelihood. The information presented at this site is designed to explain some of the critical issues surrounding these bodies of water, and how those issues can affect the everyday lives of Missourians.
Missouri River's and Their Watersheds
This site has been established to provide natural resource related information specific to Missouri's primary watersheds, especially information pertaining to the wise management of the aquatic resources. The state's watersheds are often indexed in one of two ways, either with the USGS 8-digit hydrologic unit listing or the primary watershed delineation used by the Missouri Department of Conservation. These two indexing methods differ slightly, but you will be able to find information on watersheds in the state by using either index. On this home page you may select which ever index you are most comfortable with using.
Missouri Smallmouth Bass Special Management
Missouri Smallmouth Bass Special Management Information online
Missouri Teacher Workshops & Conferences
From caves to consumer science, the Department of Conservation's education staff offers hundreds of great workshops for teachers and youth leaders each year. Here's information on how you can sign up and get involved.
Missouri Teacher's Page
The Department of Conservation's education curriculum is available for all grade levels great for classrooms, youth groups and home schools. Materials cover various levels and topics and are interdisciplinary to help instructors reach program goals.
Missouri Water Protection and Soil Conservation Division
Missouri Water Resources Program Home Page: The mission of the Water Protection and Soil Conservation Division is to help Missourians prevent pollution, protect the public from harmful, discharges and waste disposal practices. We are here to help Missourians improve the quality of the water and soil for the sustainable use by business, tourism and agriculture.
Missouri Watershed Information Network
Missouri Watershed Information Network provides assistance locating and identifying information relevant to Missouri's watershed management and health. Mo WIN
Missouri Wildlife Code
Every year, many people enjoy the sports of hunting and fishing in Missouri. Here you will find information about the various seasons and regulations for hunting and fishing in the state.
Sport Fishing Restoration Act
Details on the Sport Fish Restoration Act. What is The Sport Fish Restoration Act? In 1951, the federal government passed a piece of legislation that has, over the years, dramatically benefited fishing and fisheries in Missouri and throughout the nation.
Worm Farm Plans
Quart Jar Worm Farm Plans from the Solid Waste Management Division of the Minnesota DNR. Along with recycling food wastes, worms play the important role of moving and mixing soil. Worm burrows help make the soil looser. The burrows also let air into the soil. Plant roots and animals that live in the soil use the air. The burrows also allow rain water to drain into the soil. Plants use this water to live and grow. You can make a simple worm farm to see how worms move and mix soil. Below are a list of materials and simple directions.