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Invasive Species Program - U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Activities to prevent and control invasive plant and animal species that severely impact the lands and waters of the United States, including resources managed within the National Wildlife Refuge System, have become a priority for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as we expand our efforts to conserve and protect our nation's native fish and wildlife habitats.
Invasive Species: The Nation's Invasive Species Information System is a comprehensive, online information system that facilitates access to and exchange of invasive species data and resources by researchers, scientists, and concerned citizens. Contains more than 4000 links to key websites featuring invaseive species issues.
Maine Invasive Aquatic Plants
Maine is now the only New England state that does not have serious problems with invasive aquatic plants. This page has information on Maine's efforts to keep invasives out of the state.
Minnesota Exotic aquatic plants & animals guide
Introducing species accidentally or intentionally, from one habitat into another, is risky business. Freed from the predators, parasites, pathogens, and competitors that have kept their numbers in check, species introduced into new habitats often overrun their new home and crowd out native species. In the presence of enough food and a favorable environment, their numbers will explode. Once established, exotics rarely can be eliminated.
Protect Your Waters and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers.
Fishing, boating, scuba diving, and other recreational activities can spread aquatic nuisance species to new lakes, rivers, and streams. Nuisance species include zebra mussels, round gobies, spiny water fleas, whirling disease, rusty crayfish, Japanese shore crabs, sea lamprey, carp, ruffe, hydrilla, purple loosestrife, Asian clams, and other harmful aquatic plants or aquatic animals.
Restoration of Native Habitats - USFWS
For aquatic and terrestrial habitats, restoration of native plant and animal communities is an important part of the invasive species control solution. In many cases, native species have been extirpated from areas invested by invasive species and in order to return the balance of the ecosystem, restoration projects are conducted following removal of the exotic invasive species.
Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site
The Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS) is a national information center that contains a comprehensive collection of research publications and education materials produced by Sea Grant programs and other research institutions across the country on zebra mussels and other aquatic nuisance species.
Texas Nuisance Vegetation Control
Texas Nuisance Vegetation Control - The Guidance Document provides aquatic vegetation management information and recommendations associated with the Statewide Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan.
Threats from Invasive Species - USFWS
Invasive species encroachment is one of the biggest threats to native ecosystmes that resource managers face today. This site discusses the threats those species bring.
USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species site has been established as a central repository for accurate and spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of nonindigenous aquatic species
WDFW -- Non-Indigenous Aquatic Nuisance Species
Non-indigenous species (NIS) may be released or "introduced" into the marine, freshwater or terrestrial environment intentionally or unintentionally. Most non-native species are unable to form self-sustaining populations. However, if such species become established and thrive, they will influence the native flora and fauna and their habitats, and may affect the local economy.
WDFW -- The Zebra Mussel and European Green Crab Task Force Report
This report was created by the Zebra Mussel and European Green Crab Task Force and only exists due to the dedication of many individuals who were willing to assist in its development while attending to their regular workload. Tribal, state, federal and private organizations came together in the spirit of a true partnership to create this report. We thank all of the members of this task force for their contributions.
Zebra Mussels / Aquatic Nuisance Species Office
Zebra Mussels / Aquatic Nuisance Species Office serves as a centralized source for information exchange among Michigan Sea Grant staff, state and federal agencies, researchers, water users, and others.