Results 16 - 30 of at least 43
Massachusetts DFW Publications List
Mass. Division of Fish and Wildlife Publications List Online. Many free publications are posted on the MassWildlife website. Links to those files are provided in the following list. Some files are pdf, others are straight HTML files. Titles with an asterisk (*) indicate they are free if you pick them up at our District Offices or Westboro Field Headquarters.
Mercury in the Upper Midwest (1999)
14 pages. Examines the extent of mercury-contaminated game fish in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan; the largest sources of mercury in each, and the states' policies to reduce mercury emisssion and releases. Also encourages anglers to follow fish advisories to reduce their families' risk of mercury poisoning.
Minnesota DNR - Boat & Water Safety Publications
A complete listing of publications about boats and water safety that are available from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, at no charge.
Missouri Environmental Educational Publications 
Department of Natural Resources, Documents concerning natural resource conservation and education specific to Missouri. We offer over 600 environmental, energy and historic preservation publications free of charge to Missouri households, including the quarterly magazine Missouri Resources.
Monitor's Guide to Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
by Loren K. Larkin. A 60-page non-technical guide to the major orders of aquatic insect larvae and crustaceans. Includes a dichotomous key to help you identify stream organisms and a detailed description of each organism, including tips for proper identification. Great for stream monitors, schools and anglers
NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Library
Welcome to the homepage of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Library. Locate information on environmental education, natural resources, DENR publications, state publications, environmental journals and videos.
New Jersey -SEEDS- Comprehensive Publications Resource List
Provides a detailed listing of all current New Jersey Site Remediation Programs publications, a description, contact and price (if any) for each individual item. Covers regulations, reports, fliers, brochures, technical guidance and other related information.
New Jersey -SEEDS-Guard Your Groundwater
This colorful brochure explains what groundwater is and where it comes from in non-technical terms. It gives the public practical information on how individuals and society can help prevent groundwater contamination.
New Jersey -SEEDS-Maps and Publications List
This free catalog lists how to purchase maps, publications, research documents and aerial photographs that are available for educators. These resources are useful to teach students about New Jersey geography, science and history. The catalog provides concise information regarding prices and ordering procedures.
New York Dept of Environmental Conservation Publications
DEC offers a variety of publications and reports that you can download from this website, plus many print publications that you can request using forms and other information that you'll find on the website
New York Fish and Wildlife Publications
NYSDEC fish and wildlife publications available online as html or pdf files
North Carolina widlife and fisheries publications
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission offers a variety of fishing publications.
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission News Release Index
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission News Release Index
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Publications Online
List of publications offered by Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Publications
Power That Pollutes Report (2001)
This report is a follow up to our previous Power That Pollutes reports (1998 and 2000). It provides an update on pollution from Virginia's grandfathered power plants and takes a closer look at the environmental and health impacts on the communities and natural resources surrounding these plants.