Results 16 - 30 of at least 33
Oregon Inland Fish Records
Oregon's fish records for inland species
Oregon Marine Board - Boating Alerts in Oregon
Use this page to find about about boating hazzards in Oregon waters. Many of Oregon reservoirs are at low levels, either from low rainfall or because they are being drawn down for the winter. While good boating remains in many locations, boaters need to watch for shallow areas, rocks, stumps, gravel bars, etc.
Oregon Marine Board - Boating Regulations
Speed limits, motor restrictions and other regulations are in place on all Oregon waterways. It pays to know the regulations before you go - some small lakes are managed for manually powered craft only, and certain rivers allow motorboats only on certain days. Click links below for web page listings. To view the actual Administrative Rules, check here for the index.
Oregon Marine Board - Classes, Equivalency Exams, Internet Classes
Online and offline boating education classes and exams offered by the Oregon Marine Board
Oregon Marine Board - Facilities Section
Quality facilities for boaters are a priority with the board, through long-term planning, development of new facilities and maintenance of 900 existing public access sites statewide. We do not own or operate any public facilities in the state. Instead, the program is centered around "grants in aid" to state, local, federal agencies (and private marinas with federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) funds) for acquisition, development, rehabilitation and maintenance of boat access and CVA facilities.
Oregon Marine Board - Mandatory Boater Education Q&A;
Oregon's new Mandatory Boater Education law was passed by the 1999 Oregon Legislature with implementation beginning in 2001. The Marine Board began issuing "Boater Education Cards" to power-boat operators in January, but no cards are required until the phase-in begins in 2003. The following information answers commonly asked questions about the program. For more indepth information, check our Press Packet.
Oregon Outdoor Skills Education
Oregons outdoor skills education page with information on angling, fishing, and women's classes.
Oregon State Marine Board Web Page
This is the homepage of the Oregon Marine Board, the agency administrating boating laws in Oregon.
Oregon Tides
Use this page to find out about tides in Oregon. This page has tide charts for eavch month in 2003.
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Information on the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. Includes information on Board decisions, staff, grant applications, and monitoring.
Oregon Weekly Fishing Report
Oregon's weekly fishing reports. Covers the entire state, broken down into 11 zones. Also contains some stocking information.
Oregon's Coastal Rivers & Bays
The information from this page and its links are from the Boating in Oregon Coastal Waters publication. A clickable map has information about each of Oregon's coastal rivers and bays.
Oregon's Coastal Trout
This PDF file is loaded with information about Oregon's coastal trout.
Outdoor Skills - Becoming an Outdoors-Woman
Information about Oregon's 2001 Becoming an Outdoors-Woman classes
Research, Data And Reports from Oregon
Fisheries and aquatic information from the Oregon FIsh and Wildlife Department.