Results 31 - 45 of at least 49
Mountain Trout - A Fish's Eye View through the Seasons
If you've never fished for trout before, a good place to begin learning is to experience the lake as the fish does?in the mind's eye of a high-mountain lake trout. Here's a four-season rundown that will help you land these wily creatures!
North Georgia Trout Online
North Georgia Trout Online, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of trout fishing in North Georgia.
Of Rods and Reels - The Basics for Buying Dependable Fly-fishing Tackle
GORP - Of Rods and Reels - The Basics for Buying Dependable Fly-fishing Tackle
Outfitting the Female Flyfisher - New Rods and Accessories Make it Easy
No longer will you hear stream-side groans of 'what is she doing here? Thinking about taking up flyfishing? You've picked a great time. Gone are the days of over-sized rubber boots, borrowed flannel shirts and one-size-fits-almost-all tackle vests.
Physics of Fly Casting
This is a discussion of the physics involved in a fly cast, plus a list of references to other articles that study the same question.
Tackle Time - Buying Kids Their First Fly Rod
Tackle Time - Buying Kids Their First Fly Rod - A how to guide from GORP. Giving your child her first fly rod is like giving her the keys to the family car for the first time: You're pleased that she has reached this state of readiness but are more than a little apprehensive about what comes next. Perhaps the easiest way to get her a rod is to give her one of yours.
Teaching, and enjoying, flyfishing with your?children
Give the Kids Some Slack - Teaching, and enjoying, flyfishing with your?children - When should you take your kids fly-fishing? Well, if you consult your almanac, you'll do it when the moon is between new and full, the tide is near peak or ebb, the barometer is rising and the wind is from the west.
The FishMaster fly fishing information, products and supplies
Fly Fishing information from Canmore, Alberta Canada. Great features including Fly Tying, Fishing Updates, and my Monthly Newsletter. Subscribe Free!(PDF Format)
The Flyfishing Resource Guide is a flyfishing resource for flyfishermen and women featuring information about guides, hatch and fishing reports, Flyshops, Fishing Regulations, Resorts, Lodges, Shows, Software, Travel, Weather & Water conditions, Books, Flys and Tying Materials.
The Redeye Bass: Brook Trout of the Warmwater Game Fish
Abounding in the small, cool, upland streams of the Warrior, Cahaba, Coosa, Tallapoosa and Chattahoochee River drainages is the redeye bass, Micropterus coosae. The redeye bass is one of the smaller members of the black bass family, but what it lacks in size is more than compensated for by its readiness to smash a fly or spinner and its fighting ability, once hooked.
The Spring Hatch
GORP's guide to the Spring Hatch. Everything you need to know about flies and how to fish and tie them.The snow is melting, the flies are hatching, and the fish are biting. Spring is here and antsy anglers are anxious to toss flies at rising trout. To get you in the right frame of mind, Mark D. Williams tells tales of five spring hatches.
The art of dry fly tying and fishing
Guide to making your own dry flies: Dry-fly fishing is easily the most popular form of the sport, while not always the most effective.Fortunately, it's sufficiently productive that those who embrace the puritan ethic don't become victims of their own asceticism. is a site dedicated to helping anglers find fly fishing information on the internet. We catalog good fly fishing sites in an effort to bring anglers the most fly fishing information on the internet, including a database of fly patterns, state fishing reports, and regional fly fishing information sorted by state.
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited is a private, non-profit organization with 100,000 members in 450 chapters nationwide who's mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.
TroutBums: Sponsored by The Fly Factory
Flyfishing information and products brought to you by The Fly Factory - The AuSable River's Original Fly Shop & Guide Service