Results 31 - 38 of at least 38
Save Our Streams Volunteer Trainers Handbook
A 110- page handbook for coordinating a stream biological monitoring program. Includes overview of steps to design your monitoring network; set project goals; enlist and train volunteers; collect manage and use stream data; budgeting; and fund raising. Appendixes include monitoring instructions, data forms, macroinvertebrate identification card and an extensive bibliography.
Science in Your Watershed - database listings
Scientific information organized on a watershed basis: Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey's "Science in Your Watershed" Web site. The purpose of this site is to help you find scientific information organized on a watershed basis. This information, coupled with observations and measurements made by the watershed groups, provides a powerful foundation for characterizing, assessing, analyzing, and maintaining the status and health of a watershed.
Stream Corridor Restoration National Showcase Watersheds
Showcase projects in the EPA's Stream Corridor Restoration program.
Surf Your Watershed: U.S. EPA Student Center
A service to help you find, use and share information about your watershed and its environmental quality.
USGS -- Water Resources Programs
Home page for water resources information from the U.S. Geological Survey
Volunteer Water Monitoring for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources seeks volunteers to help us monitor water in Maryland streams
Watershed Stewardship Action Kit
The Watershed Stewardship Action Kit is designed for volunteers, students and landowners who want to make a difference in their communities. The kit covers watershed ecology, water quality problems, and actions individuals and groups can take to conserve watersheds. Educational fact sheets address stream and wetland ecology, water monitoring, and federal regulations. Action fact sheets teach the reader to fundraise, organize watershed cleanups, reduce water usage at home, survey watersheds, and monitor water quality. This publication includes the instructions and data form for the Izaak Walton League’s biological stream monitoring method. Use this resource to start your own watershed stewardship projects or to teach others about the importance of water conservation.
What is a watershed?
What is a watershed is a one page description and definition of a watershed.