Results 16 - 30 of at least 39
Hands On Save Our Streams - Science Project Guide for Students
by Karen Firehock. Students companion guide to the SOS teachers manual. Contains project ideas, monitoring instructions and information about stream ecology. Takes students through the steps to plan a successful science fair or community project. Includes monitoring instructions and data forms. Recommended for grades six through 12.
Harmful Algae
List of locations that have harmful algea blooms in Maryland tidal areas.
Health Advisory for Fish Consumption
The following is a summary of information provided by the Department of Health.
Instream Water Rights
This PDF file is loaded with information on instream water rights, and how using water rights can impact fisheries.
Journal of Limnology
Journal of Limnology is the new edition of the Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia.
Minnesota DNR - Rivers & streams
Information on Minnesota's lakes, streams and rivers from the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources.
Monitor's Guide to Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
by Loren K. Larkin. A 60-page non-technical guide to the major orders of aquatic insect larvae and crustaceans. Includes a dichotomous key to help you identify stream organisms and a detailed description of each organism, including tips for proper identification. Great for stream monitors, schools and anglers
More about macroinvertebrates 
Aquatic macroinvertebrates and effects of organic pollution on these communities.
New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc.
Welcome to the NEW YORK STATE LAKES NYSFOLA - New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc.
North American Lake Management Society
The North American Lake Management Society's mission is to forge partnerships among citizens, scientists, and professionals to foster the management and protection of lakes and reservoirs for today and tomorrow.
Regulated Rivers: Research & Management
Regulated Rivers: Research & Management Journal online
SOS Stream Study 
The Stream Study provides a method to determine the water quality of a stream based on the collection and identification of stream-bottom macroinvertebrates.
Macroinvertebrates are animals that have no backbone and are visible without magnification. Stream-bottom macroinvertebrates include such animals as crayfish, mussels, aquatic snails, aquatic worms, and the larvae of aquatic insects.
Science Junction - Water What Ifs - Macroinvertebrate Lessons 
Water What-ifs, investigating water quality parameters(Science Junction, an on-line community of science researchers, teachers, and students sponsored by NC State University)
Science Junction - Water What Ifs - Macroinvertebrates 
Pollution Sensitive Organisms Found in Good Quality Water -- Water What-ifs, investigating water quality parameters(Science Junction, an on-line community of science researchers, teachers, and students sponsored by NC State University)
Shad Scents Lesson Plan
An activity adapted by permission from Project Wild Aquatic.