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Whirling Disease - Fighting whirling disease
Rainbows have a weakness, though. Rainbow trout are more susceptible to whirling disease than any other species of trout. In the 1990s, fisheries managers in Montana and Colorado discovered the disease's effects on their rainbow trout. What they've found has generated hysteria, paranoia and the largest effort to control a fisheries disease in modern history. Montana's and Colorado's situations are being watched by other states, including Wyoming, who more and more, are detecting the presence of the whirling disease parasite in their waters.
Whirling Disease in Wyoming
spores of the whirling disease parasite were first detected in Wyoming during 1988. The spores were found in trout collected from private farm ponds and nearby streams and lakes in the Laramie and North Platte river drainages.
Wyoming Boating Application
Wyoming Boating Application and Information online
Wyoming Boating Information
Wyoming Boating Information from the Boating Basics Course
Wyoming Fish Division
This is the homepage of the Wyoming Game & Fish Department Fish Division. Find what you need to know about fishing in Wyoming here.
Wyoming Fishing Records
Wyoming State Record Fish
Wyoming Fishing Regulations - pdf version
Wyoming Fishing Regulations - pdf version
Wyoming Game & Fish Department - Education Section
Wyoming Game & Fish Department - Education Section
Wyoming Game and Fish Department FAQs
Wyoming Game and Fish Department FAQs
Wyoming Game and Fish Department Home Page
Wyoming Game and Fish Department Home Page - The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has roots all the way back to the 1890's. This period in our history marks a major decline in the population of wild game in the state of Wyoming due to unlimited harvesting practices used by settlers. During that decade, the positions of State Fish Warden (1890) and State Game Warden (1899) were established to protect Wyoming's wildlife from dangers of over harvesting. These positions were dedicated to the replenishment of the wildlife in the area.
Wyoming Native Fish Species
The Native Fish Species of Wyoming are listed here for your information and identification.
Wyoming Nonnative Fish Species
This is the source for information and identification of Wyoming Nonnative Fish Species
Wyoming's Cutt-Slam Program
A program designed to encourage anglers to learn more about Wyoming's cutthroat sub-species and develop more appreciation and support of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's cutthroat management program.